in theory. I would absolutely love this thing if it worked properly. Ive had it going for about two minutes at a time before it goes kaput. Really I was looking for a solution to use for both music streaming and Skype or Google Voice. I would like to use it with my netbook which is running Windows 7. Pretty much anything else I run on the netbook runs perfectly and wi-fi is just fine, so thats not the reason. Even though that tends to be the suggestion from their "tech support".
Ive also got their desktop server software running on my Mac and the same results. Its really frustrating as I paid for it and it just does not work. Period and point blank.
Fix it guys and youll get a better review. Thing is, you cant just send emails back saying the obvious like, "Please make sure you have strong and reliable wifi connection when using Mobiola Headset. The connection quality seriously effects the quality of the sound." and "I would recommend you to switch between Music and Voice in Mobiola Headset iPhone application in order to improve voice quality." Like that really has anything to do with anything.
Get this working now please. You have people that bought this and it doesnt work right. Fix It!!!
hawkmankt about Headset